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公司名称: 深圳市佛斯特照明有限公司

主营产品: T8LED日光灯管  LED防水灯管  LED灯管  LED植物灯管  LED感应灯管 

企业成立: 2009-06-30 员工规模: 2

联系qq:   联系销售     联系采购

深圳市佛斯特照明有限公司位于深圳市宝安区福永兴围北方骏亿工业园 , 毗邻 107 国道、宝安大道、广深高速、机荷高速等四大黄金通道 , 美丽的深圳机场近在咫尺 , 谈笑间往来八方宾朋 , 交通极为便利。 本公司是一家专业设计与生产LED灯管等照明产品的科技性企业 。配备光源部,SMT部,电源事业部为产品的质量与稳定 性提供专属保障。公司综合实力雄厚、配套设施完善、生产管理规范。 以*和*的技术团队为立司之本,成别人所不成,成别人所难成,是我们的追求与奉献! 我们佛斯特人以“ 热情、*、律己、自信”的精神风貌为重点的人本文化、“追求*、永争*”的企业文化理念、“卓尔不凡、精益求精 ” 的品质理念、 “诚信务实、谋求双赢 ” 的经营理念 , 广交朋友,结天下善缘 , 共同开创企业美好前程。... Shenzhen First Lighting Co., Ltd is a professional manufacture in LED tube light with is location in the most dynamic city-Shenzhen,China. It is specializing in R&D,manufacturing ,marketing ,after-sales services of high efficiency LED illumination since its establishment .We have ourself SMT line, Driver department to ensure our stable quality with lower material cost.we are committed to offering affordable ,high quality, environmentally friendly LED lighting products to both new construction and retrofits of incandescent lamps&fluorescent systems. The development philosophy of “Customer-centered services create value,a win-win state”helps us get the fundamental guarantee of the corporate reputation. We will be filled with enthusiasm,and offer the first-class service,with a good reputation,to return customers. We sincerely welcome customers to visit our company to establish long term friendships and business partnerships.


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